Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Duty of A Revolutionary.

The Duty of a RevolutionaryBy Doshon Farad-Atlanta ChapterWorldWide TV Show/HostCopyrighted@2009I think that many of us in this movement romanticize the struggle too much. Do we honestly believe and understand the words adorned on our patch which reads, "FREEDOM OR DEATH"? Those of us who are members of the New Black Panther Party often pride ourselves as being at the forefront of the liberation struggle for black people. But do any of us actually realize what this means? The very name, "Black Panther", including our very uniforms, have blood dripping from them. This is because we stand on the shoulders of those who were willing to give their lives for the total freedom of our people everywhere. These courageous women and men,known and unknown,shook the very foundation of the most wicked government in the World. The United States of America. And for this reason those who were in power sought it necessary to destroy our brave elders. Despite being spied on, harrassed, falsely imprisoned, being hunted down, and in many cases targeted for murder, our predecessors continued to persevere.Despite coming up in this age of high tech spying and Homeland Security, our generation does not know the horror of being directly attacked by the government. Or being targeted for assassination. We have never had to face our doors being kicked down in the middle of the night by thugs masquerading as officers of the peace. We do not know the terrors of being unjustly imprisoned and locked in a small cell for twenty three hours a day. And in many cases tortured simply for wanting freedom for all oppressed peoples everywhere.I honestly believe that integration, high paying jobs, freedom to date white women, and now more recently, having a Black president has made us, even those who are suppose to be revolutionaries, spoiled and numb to the reality of oppression. The recent election of Barack Obama as this nation's first elected president has put black folks, integrationists and nationalists alike, to sleep. Or shall I say under a magic spell. A spell that causes us to think that the struggle is over. As rapper and Public Enemy member Professor Griff has stated, "Revolution is not an event, it is a process."President Barack Obama does not have the power to reform and system that was in place over 400 years before he was born. His ascent to the highest office of the land is only a symbolic victory, not a literal one. Meaning that racism and white supremacy are still in full effect. Am I the only who has noticed that since Obama has been in office and right before he was elected, that there seems to be a proliferation of white racist attacks on blacks and other nonwhites? This serves as a sign to all of you who keep hailing the current president as the answer to all of our problems as black people in America.Now when we say that we are fighting "white supremacy" this doesn't just mean white people. White supremacy is a political system that was established by whites in authority to maintain power over nonwhites by use of discrmination, oppression, and slavery. White supremacy as does any political system utilizes any and all tools and resources at it's desposal. We see white supremacy being practiced by western governments, the KKK, Aryans, Skin Heads etc. But than we see white supremacy being practiced in Africa by black warlords working for the U.S and Europe who oppress and massacre their own people. And than lastly we as people of African descent practice white supremacy against ourselves by having poor self images, worshipping a white Jesus, and killing each other in the streets.So our fight against oppression is internal as well as external. Not only must we rid ourselves of a tyranical system that keeps us asleep, poor and downtrodden. We must rid ourselves of the internal enemies such as negroes, sell outs,uncle toms, corrupt politicians, self hating/defeating attitudes, etc. Our duty as revolutionaries is to educate, inspire, unite, and organize the masses around issues that effectthe World in which we live.We know that this is not an easy task because of what we're up against. And that is a beast otherwise known as the media or the propaganda machine whose duty it is to demonize black folks such as ourselves before our people, to keep them from supporting us. We carry the entire future of our community across the World upon our shoulders. Yes, I know, such a heavy burden to carry.We, however, knew the consequences of our actions when we decided to accept this assignment. So know more whining about the hell that we each experience on a daily basis due to our work in the community.I'll end on this point. In our fight for freedom, we are going to lose many people along the way. The person who you kick it with today may not be here tomorrow as a result of this great and mighty work that we have been entrusted with. Are you prepared to deal with this reality? If not than move the hell out of the way. Uhuru !!!The writer of this article can be reached via email:

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