Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What have Blacks contributed to the World ???

The Ancient Greeks and Romans are often credited as being the parents of Western Civilization. The Greeks are often given credit for creating philosophy, medicine, mathematics, and history. What I would like to know is what have blacks contributed to the World outside of America?

I believe that we as people of African (black) descent too often allow others to narrow and dictate to us our history. As an African centered scholar I believe in the concept of "Kujichagulia". In English this means, "Self-Determination" or "Self-Definition". This means that we are to define our own destiny and our role in history without allowing any outside interference.

It is our responsibility to gather and research information and facts concerning our history so that the World will know the "true" role that African (black) people played in the development of civilization.

This information can be found in the writings of such authors as: Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Yusef Ben Yochannan, Dr. Gerald Massey, Professor George G.M. James, Dr. Asa G. Hilliard, Dr. Anthony Browder, and even in the writings of the ancient Greek philosophers themselves.

It is important that we as African centered scholars retain, preserve, and pass this information down to our offsprings. For we cannot allow another generation of black children to believe that Jesus was white and that Africans did nothing but swing from trees.

It is essential that the World,black people specifically, know the actual role that we (blacks) played in the fashioning of human culture. Our noted historian, the late Dr. John Henrik Clarke, once stated that, "Black history is nothing more than the missing pages of World history." As world renowned scholar and anthropologist Dr. Cheik Anta Diop once stated many years ago, "Blacks will never be free until they do with ancient Egypt what whites have done with ancient Greece."

As Greece represents the height of ancient Western civilization to white scholars, so should ancient Egypt represent the height of African (black) civilization to black scholars. Ancient Egypt along with the other highley advanced civilizations in Africa should be a catalyst in the re-education of African (black) people through out the World.

If we (blacks) are not careful in handling the telling of our history, in 500 years Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X may be portrayed as whitemen.

Hmmm. Sound familiar?


The Author can be contacted via email at jarogersscholars@hotmail.com


  1. Hello. This is very interesting. I am so glad to have read your blog. Really enlightening. You are right - it is time that African people started to peacefully use the foundations of development that are theirs, and are available if they want it in their own continent. I am excited to think that one day we can learn how they interpret such ancient sciences as Astrology etc. Good will.

    1. I will say to you, though, that Egypt is not the foundations of the African civilization as you claim. Egyptians were not African Blacks. I would encourage Africans to discover their actual, real heritage, not take another peoples' heritage and claim it. In order to develop, honesty and integrity are the first necessary cornerstones. Remember that.
